Monday, October 19, 2009

blah save the whales blah blah blah, what about me?

    Some  think that humans deserve to be on a higher priority list than the environment.  They think that making our lives easier and tasks more convenient is more important than the environment. But the thing is, a healthy environment= a healthy place to live=healthy humans. 
You can be indifferent to wildlife and ecological preservation all you want, but plastic pollution affects you and your health.  Plastic takes at least a thousand years to biodegrade,  but most plastics being used today are not biodegradable. Instead they break down into smaller and smaller pieces, but never into organic matter. In landfills these pieces absorb toxic chemicals and make their way down to the groundwater and your water supply, both tap AND  bottled. In the ocean these toxic particles are eaten by animals who mistake them for plankton and the chemicals are transferred to them . Commercial fishermen catch these fish, crabs, oysters, clams,lobsters, etc, to be sold in the market.  Buying and eating seafood- you're the next in line to ingest toxic chemicals without knowing it.  There's no way to buy  truly "organic" seafood. No matter how pricey it is, everything comes from the same ocean.
Ok, so maybe you say you're not a sushi fan, you don't like seafood. Toxic chemicals from plastic are still getting into your water supply. And next time you  surf, boogie board, or swim in the ocean, think about if you want millions of plastic particles entering your ears, skin, nose, and mouth. 

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