Friday, October 9, 2009


Hello! Welcome to my blog! It covers an issue that affects everyone living on planet Earth. (So I'm glad you found it, because that includes you!)  The issue is the giant amount of pollution coming from an unlikely source. It's something  we use every day, multiple times a day. And ironically, we usually think we're helping the environment when we use this.  What is it? drumroll please.......the answer is PLASTIC!  
Surprising? I call it the "at least it's not styrofoam or paper" effect. We use plastic, applauding ourselves for not using the decidedly ungreen styrofoam, and for not killing trees. Plastic is recyclable! It's great! Let's use it for everything!
You might find this hard to believe, but plastics are taking massive toll on our environment. Without change, the damage may be irreversible. My goal with this blog is to raise awareness about this problem and encourage both users and manufacturers of plastic products to take action, for everyone's sake. 

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